Kindergarten Adventures: Exploring Means of Transport
🌟🚗 Show and Tell Extravaganza at Kindergarten! 🚢🌟
#KindergartenAdventures #TalesOfTransport #MeansOfTransport 🚢🚁
Our little explorers participated with zeal and vigour in the Intra Class Show and Tell competition held on December 18,2023 wherein the theme was "Means of Transport"! 🚀🚲
The room was abuzz with excitement as the tiny tots proudly showcased their favourite modes of getting around. During the competition, the students weren’t just exploring the world of transportation, they were building self-confidence and self-esteem. It was an interesting and thrilling experience for the kids sharing their feelings with peers. This provided a fun-filled and comfortable learning arena for everyone involved. 🎤👧🚁