Rules and Regulations

Motivation helps you get out of your comfort zone, inspiration helps you dream big, excitement helps you cruise along but it’s discipline that helps you stay on the course irrespective of the hurdles on the path.

★ Students are expected to be in school before the first bell goes, i.e. before 7.40 a.m. in summer and before 8.40 a.m. in winter. (If they fail to do so, a warning and a note in the diary will be given. In case the child still comes late, he/she will be sent back home.)

★ A high sense of discipline is to be maintained while moving from one place to another, both inside and outside the school.

★ When more than two students move out of their classroom, they should do so in a single file.

★ Students will ensure that they are smartly turned out in the school uniform on all working days.

★ School property should not be damaged at any cost. Damage or loss of any kind should be reported immediately to the class teacher. Loss thus caused will be borne by the defaulter.

★ No student is allowed to leave the school premises without the prior permission of the Principal/Vice Principal or the respective In-charge with a proper gate pass.

★ No student is allowed to receive visitors or to make phone calls during school hours unless the matter is very urgent and he/she has the prior permission of the Principal/Vice Principal or the respective Incharge.

★ The chronic uniform defaulters and students with improper hairstyle will be issued a blue card.

★ The school is not responsible for goods lost. Students are advised not to bring any valuables like expensive watches, jewellery, toys and games to the school.

★ School almanac is a part of uniform and must be brought daily.

★ Online submission of leave does not mean it is sanctioned in any case.

★ Students unable to attend mass P.T. on health grounds will have to produce a medical certificate to that effect.

★ If a student does not improve his/her conduct/behaviour despite repeated warnings, his/her name will be struck off the rolls.

★ Any correspondence addressed to the pupils is subject to scrutiny by the Principal. Students will use school bags of the prescribed color and design only.

★ Students are prohibited from buying eatables and drinks from street vendors.

★ Boys are expected to sport a proper hair cut. In no case will they be permitted to sport long hair. If they do so, their parents will be called to take the child for hair cut in the morning itself. Discipline card will be issued, if repeated.

★ Maroon Patka is mandatory for keshdhari boys till class X and maroon turban to be worn by senior keshdhari boys.

★ Use of gels or colouring of hair is strictly prohibited. Girls should not make puff or keep long nails. They are expected to be appropriately dressed and not apply mehandi etc. on palms or wear jewellery etc.

★ A student not coming in proper school uniform on a function will be fined Rs.20/- .

★ The use of mobile phone is BANNED in the school premises. If any student is found with the mobile phone in the school, it will be confiscated and disciplinary action will be taken against him/her.

★ The students are not allowed to bring scooters/motor cycles, without valid driving license. Token are issued for school parking.

★ Carrying of any kind of weapon or a sharp edged tool is an offence. A student carrying any of these will be rusticated immediately.

★ Tiffin box, Notebooks & Stationery etc. will not be accepted during school hours.