A workshop on Action research in schools
A Workshop on Action research in schools- improving schools and empowering educators Resource person Mr. A.P. Sharma
A seminar on the topic action research in schools improving schools and empowering education was held on June 1,2022.
The objective of the session was to encourage teachers to do research work so as to resolve the problems faced in their classrooms.
The resource person discussed and explained about the meaning of action research, its types, steps in action research, how to organise the process it's various features and action research essentials.The resource person emphasized to first identify the problem then make a plan. That plan must be implemented analysed, flexible to changes, implemented and reflect on the research. He further said that this approach helps in bringing a democratic approach along with enhancing team work and collaboration among the learners.The seminar was very interesting and informative.The teachers participated and responded enthusiastically.